by robz012 Sat Nov 14 2009, 00:36
Anime (アニメ, an abbreviated pronunciation in Japanese of "animation", is animation originating in Japan. The world outside Japan regards anime as "Japanese animation". Anime originated about 1917.
Japanese write the English term "animation" in katakana as アニメーション (animēshon), and the term anime (アニメ) emerged in the 1970s as an abbreviation, though some state that the word derives from the French phrase dessin animé. Japanese-speakers use both the original and abbreviated forms interchangeably, but the shorter form occurs more commonly.
The pronunciation of anime in Japanese, [anime], differs significantly from the Standard English, which has different vowels and stress. (In Japanese each mora carries equal stress.) As with a few other Japanese words such as saké, Pokémon, and Kobo Abé, English-language texts sometimes spell anime as animé (as in French), with an acute accent over the final e, to cue the reader to pronounce the letter, not to leave it silent as English orthography might suggest.